KonsoleKalendar is a command line interface to calendars. It lets you view, insert, remove, or modify calendar events by way of the command line or from a scripting language. Additionally, KonsoleKalendar can create a new calendar, export a calendar to a variety of other formats, and import another calendar.
In its basic mode, KonsoleKalendar displays the list of events in your default calendar for the current day (from 7:00 to 17:00).
Main features of KonsoleKalendar:
View calendar entries from a start date/time to end date/time
Insert (add) calendar entries
Remove (delete) calendar entries
Modify (change) calendar entries
Create a new calendar
Export calendar entries to other file formats
Import an existing calendar
KonsoleKalendar is not another graphical user interface to a KDE calendar (i.e. KOrganizer). KonsoleKalendar is intended solely for uses where a graphical user interface is not practical or possible.
KonsoleKalendar does not provide a full-featured language for making queries of the user's calendar: nor is it the intention of the authors to ever write such a capability. Primitive command line options are provided for accessing calendar events within a consecutive range of dates/time stamps.