- → (Ctrl+A)
This will select the entire document. This could be very useful for copying the entire file to another application.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+A)
Deselects the selected text in the editor if any.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+B)
Toggles Selection Mode. When the Selection Mode is BLOCK, the status bar contains the string [BLOCK] and you can make vertical selections, e.g. select column 5 to 10 in lines 9 to 15.
- → (Ctrl+D)
This adds one space to the beginning of the line where the text cursor is located or to the beginning of any selected lines.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+D)
This removes one space (if any exist) from the beginning of the line where the text cursor is located or from the beginning of any selected lines.
- → (Ctrl+J)
Joins the selected lines, or the current line and the line below with one white space character as a separator. Leading/trailing white space on joined lines is removed in the affected ends.
- → (Ctrl+Alt+U)
Capitalize the selected text or the current word.
- → (Ctrl+U)
Put the selected text or the letter after the cursor in uppercase.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+U)
Put the selected text or the letter after the cursor in lowercase.
- →
This cleans the indentation for the current selection or for the line the cursor is currently in. Cleaning the indentation ensures that all your selected text follows the indentation mode you choose.
- →
Causes a realign of the current line or selected lines using the indentation mode and indentation settings in the document.
- →
This command aligns lines in the selected block or whole document on the column given by a regular expression that you will be prompted for.
If you give an empty pattern it will align on the first non-blank character by default.
If the pattern has a capture it will indent on the captured match.
With '
' it will insert spaces before the first '-' of each lines to align them all on the same column.With '
alignon :\\s+(.)
' it will insert spaces before the first non-blank character that occurs after a colon to align them all on the same column.- →
Apply static word wrapping on all the document. That means that a new line of text will automatically start when the current line exceeds the length specified by the Wrap words at option in the Editing tab in → menu.